Recently, prof. Sukhodub L.F. togeather with Dr. Drozdenko O. and Dr. Yuschenko O. (Nanoelectronic chair of SSU) took part in the 3rd International conference “Health Technology Management” organized by Technical University of Moldova (October 6-7, Chisinau). The main aim of the conference was to bring together researches and specialists to exchange and share their experiences and research results about various aspects of Health technologies Management. The major purpose of this event was to contribute to the reinforcement of four pillars of a modern healthcare: improved quality, improved safety, increased cost-effectiveness and increased access to care. Nine scientific sections and four TEMPUS Project meetings were organized during the Conference. Prof. Sukhodub L.F. was one of the moderators of a section S7 “Biomaterials and nanotechnologies in medicine” with the starting invited talk “Nanocrystalline zinc oxide tetrapods with enchanced antibacterial activity” performed in collaboration with colleagues from the Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova (O.I. Lupan, V.P. Sonta) and Institute for Material Science, Kiel University, Germany (Y.K. Mishra, R. Adelung). This was the first common research step along a novel direction in the field of nanobiomaterials connected with a synthesis a so-called ZnO tetrapods (non-aglomerated or free-standing particles prepared by a Flame Transport Synthesis technique) (Figure). These nano- and micro-structures are very promising because of their multifunctional applications ranging from nanoscale electronic devices, lasers, sensors and significantly in biomedical engineering as consumer products. At the moment, Department of Hygiene and Ecology with the course of microbiology, virology and immunology and Department of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Biomolecular Engineering are trying to organize detail antimicrobial and morphology studies of some new ZnO-T systems synthesized by our colleagues in order to use these preliminary data for a big common H-2020 project in 2017.