Participation in IV Ukrainian Nationwide council concerning problems of specialist training and biomedical engineering development

On June 20-22, 2019 in Carolino-Bugaz (tataric village Bugaz (Buaz) known since 1770s) IV Ukrainian Nationwide council concerning problems of specialist training and biomedical engineering development took place, in which head of a department of biophysics, biochemistry, pharmacology and biomolecular engineering, corresponding member of NASU, professor Sukhodub L.F. and senior research scientist of scientific centre “Nano- and Biomaterials” of SSU, candidate of chemical sciences Sukhodub L.F. took part with report “Hybrid biomaterials”. Heads of departments and staff workers of corresponding departments of Mariupil, Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Odessa and Ternopil participated in this council. The issues of expert role in education program accreditation, strategy of development of higher education system, Ph.D training problems as also the results of laboratory workings “Bionanocomposite” of SSU and plans for further development of this priority for Ukraine research direction with involving investors, particularly from PRC, were discussed.