Staff of the Department of Biophysics, Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Biomolecular Engineering

The head of the Department and lecturers

Department Staff: 2 professors, 8 associate professors, 2 assistants, 1 head of laboratory and support staff.



Head of the DepartmentLeonid F. Sukhodub, Professor, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

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He graduated from Kharkov Politechnical Institute in “Physics of metals”, defended a thesis for a candidate degree in physics and mathematics, specialty “Molecular Physics”, and defended a Doctor’s thesis in “Biophysics” speciality. He worked as a junior scientist, senior scientist and was the head of Molecular Biophysics Department of Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is the head of Biophysics and Mass Spectrometry Department, Institute of Applied Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He is the author of 185 scientific articles, 2 monographs, more than 120 reports for conferences. Professor L.F. Sukhodub is the head of the section of “Applied Biophysics” of National Biophysical Society, a member of the National Mass spectrometric Society. 13 Ph.D. theses were defended under his supervision. At present he is the scientific adviser of three postgraduate students. L.F. Sukhodub carries great pedagogical activities. During several years he delivered a course of lectures about modern instrumental methods in physical and biophysical investigations for students of Sumy State University. In 2005 L.F. Sukhodub was invited to lecture at the Technical University of Dresden (Germany) for students and graduate students on the subject of the “Modern mass spectrometric and other instrumental methods in the study of biomaterials”.

Head of Biochemistry and Pharmacology Course – Ihor Y. Vysotskyi, Professor, Doctor of medical sciences. e-mail: e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

He graduated from Ternopyl State Medical Institute and had his postgraduate studies in the field of pharmacology there. He worked as an assistant in Ternopyl State Medical Institute, as a senior and leading research worker of Lugansk State Medical Institute. The author and the co-author of more than 300 scientific works, 23 manuals, courses and lectures on pharmacology and biochemistry, 57 methodical recommendations, 17 efficient proposals, has 10 copyright certificates, 3 patents of Ukraine. He has prepared 23 winners and prize-winners of the All-Ukrainian contest on pharmacology. Professor Vysotskyi is the full member of Association of Toxicologists of Ukraine, the head of Sumy Centre of Ukrainian Toxicology Society, a member of the Federation of European Toxicologists and European Societies of Toxicologists “Eurotox” and the International Union of Toxicologists “IUTOX”, a member of Ukrainian public organization “Association of pharmacologists of Ukraine” and the International Union of Fundamental and Clinical Pharmacology “IUPHAR”, the expert of the Testing Center at the Мinistry of  Health of Ukraine, a member of the editorial board of the journal “Bulletin of Sumy State University”, series “Medicine”, he was awarded by Certificates of Honour by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and «First-class Honours».


R. A. Hramova L. O. Primova L. I. Hrebenyk I. V. Chorna


S. A. Goncharova N. M. Inshyna V. V. Natalich N.V. Hlushchenko